Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Orson Randall: Iron Fist 1916

Something different? I do these perhaps more often than I draw, though they're much more time consuming and cost a hellava lot more. This is Iron Fist, of which you saw somewhere around my first post. Though while the painting down below is of a more Kung Fu Iron Fist, this is in the WWI style, as there have been many to hold the Iron Fist title over the centuries. He took me about 6 months while I was in England, though most of the work was on and off. He's a random 6 inch action figure beneath, with a BSG Anders head heavily modified above the nose. Everything is cloth save for the boots and hands, which are action figure plastic. The belt is a mix between leather, plastic pouches from the action figure and an Elizabeth Swann bandoleer from the Neca Pirates line. The Lee-Enfield Rifle was made of styrene and 300 hours of time and patience, this thing is homemade down to the tiniest detail. The mud was cheap paint and some of my flatmates's bleached flour. The Base is from McFarlane military figures, repainted.

He stands somewhere around 6-7 inches.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Unfinished Business and Quick Sketches

This one, roughly two hours. I was just working on it and got sick of it as I've made too many little errors. But, it was fun to use the ink and brush.

These two are one of about 15 envelope and block-in sketches I do for warm ups. It's a good visual exercise and a lot of times they look kind of cool in their simplicity.
Don't really like this guy, but I had some success mixing color with inks.

This one is Aayla Secura from the recent three Star Wars films. From envelope to block in to preliminary sketch. Just above it was the re-draw I did on better paper anticipating I'd go in with the inks. I've got some blue and violet inks that I might go in with next if I'm feeling ambitious. I messed up on the should sockets and I think her hips are too wide, but that what you get for using toys for models. She was actually the creation of the talents Sith_Fire30, who is displayinghte base image for this sketch here: http://sithfire.blogspot.com/

Friday, November 13, 2009

Face Study

Nothing special, a face study for an upcoming drawing. I have these problems when I start a drawing that half looks good and half is understudied, leaving me with a mediocre product. So this is an attempt to prevent that from happening.

Monday, October 26, 2009

the mummy LIVES!


Another ditty I did for a drawing jam, the best thing to happen to inspiration since everyone who's better than me. The theme was the Universal monsters, you know, Frankenstein, Dracula, sea creature thing and the Mummy. Here's a random fact for you, did you know The Mummy, the film with Brendan Fraser whom occupies a poster spot on the wall, was actually a loose remake of some 1932 film? Well it was and I don't have a poster of Brendan Fraser... yet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


2 hour sketch I did for a drawing jam over at drawingboard.org, lots of fun and it turned out alright.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Large update due to slacking

I've been drawing, but haven't been real good at posting it up. I'll start with the cape stuff and then gradually move into another subject. First up, Spider-man coming in at 4 inches by 4 inches, I've been doodling him for a while now and trying to come up with a good approach. The second is Mr. Freeze, the tragic Batman villain. He runs about 10x12 inches in ink, I added a subtle tinge of blue via Photoshop. Then comes Peter Pan, whom I do not see drawn very often and I thought I'd give him a shot. I adjusted my styling to give it more of an animated feel. I haven't quite had my fill of this character so I'd say expect some more of him at some point in the near future. The second to last is in ink washes and was my first attempt at drawing in such a manner. I definitely made a number of mistakes and all the work I did on the face in pencil was lost by my lack of brush control. I tried to adjust it with white ink, but to no avail. Lesson learned, start light and go darker if necessary. The last is a pencil nude I did in a few hours taken from a photo.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spider-Woman and moving

Ok, big missing gap in the blog... I just moved back to the states, needed to get my head together, find the power cord to the scanner, ect. My drawing has also curtailed a tad as well, I colored in the Daredevil sketch and managed to get out a Spider-Woman hour-sketch as well. Nothing big.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Man without Fear!

Some Daredevil sketches. I've been working on coming up with a Daredevil piece and it mus thave taken me days to arrive at something I was close to happy with (immediately above). He's kind of a tough character to capture the essence of, if you go too acrobatic he looks like Spider-man, too dark then like Batman. Though I could see a lot of similarities between Batman and DD, which is partially why I went with with this look. Gonna re-draw it though on watercolor paper and add in some reds. Should be fun.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Keep cool

I liked the Joker and now I think I want to do something similar with Mr. Freeze, so I've been doodling some ideas out. The one all the way to the right has the feel I think I'm looking for, except I want to drive the little gadgets and doo-dads on his suit to the max. Plus, his eyes look like little bungholes... might have to play with that a tad. I like the middle one, I think the face has character. Top one, meh. The little guy in the corner does crack me up though :P

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ha ha, he he, ho ho, ha

This was incredibly fun to do. Basically I was doodling on my notes for my dissertation and scratched this guy out in 1 inch by 1 inch. Then, on a second glance thought it might be worth pursuing in bigger format. So into my sketchpad it went. Then inking it seemed like a good idea... but then it kind of spiraled out of control, color was on the horizon... then poof, this guy. Really quite pleased with the expressive inking. My least favorite bit is the hair, which I didn't really put a whole lot of thought into. The background would have looked nice if it was extended in the upper right. He kind of looks like he has a body halo as well... which I should have figured a way out of as well, but the random succession of added parts just didn't allow for it. Plus it was like 3 am when I finished.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Watercolors and Failed Comic Books

Ok, I've been messing around with adding some color to my ink drawings and, to be honest, I really don't want to learn digital colored all that bad. I figure, it's probably in my best interests to stick with the brush and let my brush skills benefit from the experience rather than my mouse hand. The first two are Iron Fist and Batman with Poison Ivy (my favorite bat-villain!). Iron Fist had the benefit of a model, Batman and Ivy did not. I think I can see the difference as a lot of guest work is left out in Iron Fist. I think with Batman, the dodgy bits are quite obvious and hurt it overall. My colors... well, I'm not completely satisfied. Don't get me wrong, the color is a nice touch but I made some mistakes on both. I learned the hard way with Iron Fist that you should do your inks AFTER your colors and with Bats, watch out for drawing in pencil too dark and washes with ink won't get as dark as you like.

Anyway, the final two are part of a 6 page comic on Rayna Eclipse that I started months ago. I guess I just lost ambition with it as the script was too loose, the panel layouts ambiguous, the dialogue... unknown. Plus I started using models after page one and it shows. I used a technical pen to ink and that really doesn't give me the line quality I can get with a brush. So if I ever feel the need to re-tackle the story... lessons learned.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ooo Ooo, first post!

Obligatory first post to introduce my sketchyblog that I really hope to keep up on, but chances are won't. Anyway, here's some recent stuff I've been working on: The first is the early sketch of a watercolor I'm currently working on. The next s Ozymandias concept sketch I did for a custom which is staring at my with a fierce gaze that only an uncompleted figure could give. The last is some general sketches for some characters for a story I never wrote, save for Rayna Eclipse who is always an ongoing work. I expect she'll be making some appearances in this thread before long.

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