Monday, October 26, 2009

the mummy LIVES!


Another ditty I did for a drawing jam, the best thing to happen to inspiration since everyone who's better than me. The theme was the Universal monsters, you know, Frankenstein, Dracula, sea creature thing and the Mummy. Here's a random fact for you, did you know The Mummy, the film with Brendan Fraser whom occupies a poster spot on the wall, was actually a loose remake of some 1932 film? Well it was and I don't have a poster of Brendan Fraser... yet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


2 hour sketch I did for a drawing jam over at, lots of fun and it turned out alright.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Large update due to slacking

I've been drawing, but haven't been real good at posting it up. I'll start with the cape stuff and then gradually move into another subject. First up, Spider-man coming in at 4 inches by 4 inches, I've been doodling him for a while now and trying to come up with a good approach. The second is Mr. Freeze, the tragic Batman villain. He runs about 10x12 inches in ink, I added a subtle tinge of blue via Photoshop. Then comes Peter Pan, whom I do not see drawn very often and I thought I'd give him a shot. I adjusted my styling to give it more of an animated feel. I haven't quite had my fill of this character so I'd say expect some more of him at some point in the near future. The second to last is in ink washes and was my first attempt at drawing in such a manner. I definitely made a number of mistakes and all the work I did on the face in pencil was lost by my lack of brush control. I tried to adjust it with white ink, but to no avail. Lesson learned, start light and go darker if necessary. The last is a pencil nude I did in a few hours taken from a photo.

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