Sunday, July 24, 2011

City of Exeter

I did this for a contest on They Draw and Travel for a contest they are holding for their new book. Basically, the terms of the contest were to illustrate a map of your favorite city. I chose Exeter as my favorite city because it truly is a wonderful place. I attended the MA program at the University there and can easily say it was the best year of my life. The city is full of history and natural beauty. Everywhere I went I found something new or interesting. The city had a life that I just couldn't get enough of, and when I had to leave after a year, it was too soon.

So here it is, Exeter as I remember it. Most of these places were places that I frequented quite often or passed by often. It's real selective in what is represented as I only put things that I personally experienced and loved. So really, its my interpretation of Exeter. There is so much more there and I found I wanted to put so much more on the map. Much like my short lived time there, there is much in Exeter that is not represented. Perhaps I will have to do a more indepth map in the future.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kudlak Comic Book Pages

Right, well this only took me four months to do. I started looking for comic book writers looking for artists during this spurt of pro-activity I had in late March. This is the same spurt of pro-activity that resulted in me being in Japan. Overall, a pretty successful spurt now that I think about it. But yeah, I averaged about a page a month on this one. I decided to do it larger than actual comic book sizes so I could have more space for details and such, so that took time. Plus, inking and various extras as well. It was a pretty involved process and I think I want to do much different next time around. I suppose that's what these things are for.

The story is about two guys hanging in a meat locker, having both been previously captured by these gremlin vampire creatures. They have a discussion about various things such as their employers and facing up to troublesome supernatural creatures. Eventually, the young one saves himself with a coin knife and donates a magic toothpick to his friend. The story ends just prior their confrontation with the Kudlak (little creepy vampires).

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